Dear Friends,

Join Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) for this "Pilgrimage to Peace" event in your area. 

Our presentations will give particular attention to the events that have unfolded in the Holy Land since October 7, 2023. Following October 7th, CMEP has continuously called for a permanent bilateral ceasefire, the allowance of humanitarian aid into Gaza, and for the release of all hostages. We recognize that current events are rapidly changing, and our speakers will be prepared to discuss the most current news and updates from the ground.

During our presentations, we will discuss the importance of advocating for human rights in Israel and the Palestinian territories. The occupation has impacts on people living on all sides of the conflict including both Israelis and Palestinians. Understanding the geopolitics, social considerations, and other aspects of the conflict demands that we look beyond the headlines into the daily realities of people living on the ground. 

Join us to learn what it means to be someone who pursues peace, while also advocating for justice in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and beyond.


North Carolina Event Information

Monday, April 29

7:00 PM

Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church
101 Chapel Ln
Swannanoa, NC 

Tuesday, April 30

7:00 PM

Home Moravian Church
529 S. Church St.
Winston-Salem, NC

Wednesday, May 1

6:30 PM

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
2723 Clark Avenue
Raleigh, NC



Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon is the executive director of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP). Cannon has several masters degrees and earned her doctorate in American History with a minor in Middle Eastern studies at the University of California – Davis, focusing her dissertation on the history of the American Protestant church in Israel and Palestine. Her several publications about the conflict include A Land Full of God: Christian Perspectives toward the Holy Land (Cascade, 2017). She is the author of the award winning Social Justice Handbook (IVP) and other books on spirituality and justice.

Jonathan Kuttab is the executive director of FOSNA, co-founder of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq, and co-founder of Nonviolence International. A well-known international human rights attorney, he practices law in the US, Palestine and Israel. Jonathan serves on the Board of Bethlehem Bible College and is President of the Board of Holy Land Trust. He is co-founder and board member of the Just Peace Advocates. He was the head of the Legal Committee negotiating the Cairo Agreement of 1994 between Israel and the PLO

Destiny Magnett is CMEP's Outreach Manager. Destiny is an MTS candidate at Harvard Divinity School (HDS) focusing on Religion, Ethics, and Politics. She also holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Grinnell College. She joins CMEP in her capacity as Programs and Outreach Manager following an eight-week Middle East Fellowship where she helped to bolster and expand CMEP's relationships on the ground in Israel/Palestine. Prior to joining CMEP, Destiny has worked in the U.S. Department of State, USAID, Search for Common Ground– Jordan, and Harvard's Office of Religion and Public Life. In this role, she is excited to work with CMEP's many fantastic church partners and broader networks in service of promoting a just world at peace.


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Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)
110 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 505
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 543-1222

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