December 29th Update Bulletin:

7 Ways to Engage

At the beginning of December, Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) published a report of the work we've done since the current crisis between the State of Israel and Hamas began on October 7th. 


1: Gift a Book and Host a January Book Club

Walks through a biblical perspective of God’s heart for Israel and the historic suffering of the Jewish people, while also remaining sensitive to the experience and suffering of Palestinians with A Land Full of God. Read with a friend, and then encourage active dialogue with the accompanying Study Guide. Start off January by tackling your book goal with a friend alongside CMEP.


2: Grab a Neighbor & Call your Congressperson

Call your neighbor over for lunch and a brief call to your congressperson. Take action by changing US policy through advocacy: call your congressional offices and demand a ceasefire. Right now members of Congress need to hear from constituents in support of a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. As the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate, a ceasefire is desperately needed to ensure there is no further loss of life. All information for how to call your congressperson from start to finish is laid out on CMEP’s website! 


3: Partner with CMEP through Monthly Donations

Let us give you this encouragement: you may not believe $5 a month is of much value, but this is the cost of a return bus ticket for our Jerusalem-based staff to take meetings in the West Bank. Your monthly donations, small and large, help our team direct our time toward bigger and better goals: like saving lives by demanding U.S. action. Partner with us monthly through donating, and become a part of the community making CMEP’s work possible. 


4: Join Thursday Briefings & Invite Friends

The news on what is happening in Gaza and across the West Bank and Israel is overwhelming and convoluted. Join CMEP for 30 minutes once a week with some of your community to hear a short briefing about the current situation on the ground and get updates from CMEP staff and other experts on Thursdays from 10 - 10:30 AM EST. 


5: Talk to Your Church Leadership about Supporting CMEP’s Mission 

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) relies on partnerships to promote a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. CMEP helps churches, organizations, leaders, and individuals advocate for justice and peace for all people in knowledgeable, timely, holistic, and effective ways. Encourage your community to speak out for peace and justice in the Middle East by becoming a Church Partner!


6: Host a Movie Night with one of our webinars or film screenings!

Gather with your friends or family, get a notebook and a snack, and put on a CMEP webinar or recommended film for an evening of education at home. Watch one of CMEP’s 200+ educational videos, and allow the content to spark a conversation about the role you and your community could play in further elevating the voices of Christians in the Middle East, educating those around you, and advocating for holistic change. 


7: Plan a Trip with Friends to Washington DC

The date has been set for CMEP’s 2024 Advocacy Summit; put the date in your calendar and grab a friend to join you as you advocate to your congresspeople on Capitol Hill. Join Churches for Middle East Peace in Washington, DC as we mark Four Decades of Pursuing Peace at our annual Advocacy Summit from April 9-11, 2024. 


Last Chance to Give in 2023!


Contact Us

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)
110 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 505
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 543-1222


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