October 27th Update Bulletin

We are grieved at the ongoing violence in Israel and Gaza. There is still work to do for peace and justice. Here is the work Churches for Middle East Peace has done in response, and how you too can take action. 



Join Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) and our member communions in a Day of Prayer and Fasting today, Friday, October 27th. We will be gathering online for a prayer vigil to pray specifically for a ceasefire, an end to the horrific violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, a return of all hostages held by Hamas, an end to the blockade and bombing campaign on Gaza, for the occupation and human rights abuses in the region to be brought to an end, and for lasting peace between Israelis, Palestinians, and all people in the Middle East and the world.


Briefing Document for Quick Stats

CMEP Staff have compiled the following document in the days since the violence began Saturday morning, October 7, 2023. It outlines the unfolding events, names issues, provides a summary of key events, links to related statements written by and/or endorsed by CMEP, and additional biography of resources.


Also, join us on Thursdays from 10-10:30am EST for a briefing on the most recent updates in Israel and Palestine. Register Here.  


Take Action Today- Sign the letters below to your representitive: 

HRes 786 calls on the Biden administration to “urgently end the current violence” and open up corridors to Gaza for “humanitarian assistance.” Each day without a ceasefire will just bring more suffering, pain, and death to civilians in Israel/Palestine. 

Call on Members of Congress to support ceasefire, restraint, de-escalation of violence and protection of civilian life in Israel/Palestine.  It is critical that members of Congress hear from their constituents who support a de-escalation of violence and for restraint from all parties. It is incumbent that Congress not support measures that will only intensify the violence. 


Public Statements Addressing Key Issues in Israel and Gaza:


Hear from Palestinian Women through ASWR Webinar on Nov 2nd

Join us on Zoom on November 2, 2023 at 11AM Eastern to kick off our countdown to And Still We Rise 2024. And Still We Rise (ASWR) seeks to elevate the voices and contributions of Palestinian women working to build peace in their homes, communities, and the world, while also creating opportunities for meaningful exchange between Palestinian and American women.


How are Christians to respond? We hope this special bulletin will provide some opportunities for reflection and engagement. CMEP calls our constituents and membership communions to Fill in the G.A.P. - Give - Act - Pray.  (Ezekiel 22:30)


Give: Donate to partner with CMEP and amplify voices of peace as we increase our advocacy, education, and outreach efforts in this critical time.


Act: Education and action is needed now more than ever. CMEP staff is willing to speak with your community about the crisis and how Americans can take action. Email info@cmep.org to see if CMEP staff is available near you.


Pray: Read a reflection from peace builder and faith leader within the Messianic Jewish community, Lisa Loden entitled, "Under the Shadow of Death" on our Prayers4Peace blog. 

Pray: Churches for Middle East Peace invites you to pray for peace in light of recent events in Gaza, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories. 
Register to join us next Wednesday.


Advent 2023: In Everlasting Light, Justice Shines

In this time of tragedy in Palestine and Israel, join CMEP in lament for the region this Advent season. CMEP's 2023 Advent devotional series entitled “In Everlasting Light, Justice Shines,” which is available for purchase for you or your church group. This devotional book contains devotions for each Sunday of Advent as well as the week leading up to Christmas, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Devotions will be posted on this page and through the Prayers for Peace (P4P) blog as they’re released. Click here to subscribe. If you would like to order a print-on-demand booklet of all of the devotions, this link will direct you to where you may purchase one copy or a copy for your entire Bible study group! There are price breaks when ordering in bulk, and any profit will go toward future publications and CMEP’s work toward Realizing God’s Perfect Peace.


 On October 15th, Executive Director Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon was joined by Destiny Magnett, CMEP Programs and Outreach Manager, and Susie Hayward, CMEP Leadership Council Chair, for an after-church Q&A session about the ongoing siege and bombardment of Gaza at First Church Cambridge UCC. The trio discussed topics such as how to engage with others on questions about Gaza, some of the political intricacies of the war and the U.S. 's response, and the constructive and harmful role of religion and American religious communities in the larger question of Palestinian occupation and liberation. 


Contact Us

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)
110 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 505
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 543-1222  info@cmep.org

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