Dear CMEP Friends,

Words are inadequate at the moment to say all that needs to be said, from condemnation for the heinous and evil acts committed against civilians by Hamas militants who entered into Southern Israel; to words of comfort and lamentation to Israeli and Palestinian families who've lost loved ones this past week as a result of attacks, rockets, or bombing campaigns; to the deep fear and desperation for the safety and wellbeing of the 150 Israeli's being held hostage.

And now Hamas and Israel are at war.

Civilians on both sides of the conflict are caught in the middle. As of the time I am writing, there have been nearly 3,000 total killed on both sides, many more thousand wounded, and nearly 500 children in Gaza already dead. With 2.2 million people in Gaza - more than half of whom are children, trapped between the sea and military checkpoints and nowhere to go, Israel has decided to exercise collective punishment by shutting off their water, electricity, and gas, exacerbating what was already a humanitarian crisis and leading to catastrophic devastation. In addition, Netanyahu has promised retaliation that will "reverberate for generations." As the war rages into the end of its first week, more than 400,000 Palestinians have been displaced from their homes in Gaza and soon dehydration and starvation will be a reality for civilians living in the seaside enclave of the Gaza strip. All of this constitutes the current reality without even discussing the decades-long occupation of the Palestinian people and other core causes of the ongoing conflict.

How are Christians to respond? We hope this special bulletin will provide some opportunities for reflection and engagement. CMEP calls our constituents and membership communions to Fill in the G.A.P. - Give - Act - Pray.  (Ezekiel 22:30)

GIVE: We ask for support to amplify voices for peace at this critical time. The need for peace to prevail is as urgent as ever. Those who want to help are encouraged to support our advocacy for de-escalating violence and long-term solutions by giving to CMEP at

ACT:  Take actions like contacting your members of Congress and calling on them to support a ceasefire, restraint, de-escalation of violence, and protection of civilian life in Israel/Palestine.

PRAY: We are praying all the time and we invite you to our weekly corporate prayer on Wednesdays when we gather in community for solidarity, comfort, and to beseech God for intervention.

We also invite you to our weekly briefings to catch up on the news and be able to ask questions about CMEP's latest response to what is happening.

We have a unique opportunity to build bridges calling for a future that honors all humanity - protecting the security and dignity of the Jewish people - and working toward human rights and equality for Palestinians. In the midst of these devastating and grievous times, might we be courageous and bold, speaking out against hatred, bigotry, and one-sided thinking. Instead, let us hold onto hope that all people in the Holy Land might one day live in a future without fear, that the occupation will be brought to an end, and the people of the Holy Land - Jews, Christians, and Muslims - will live side by side in peace.

May God go before us,

Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon
Executive Director



Give: Donate to partner with CMEP and amplify voices of peace as we increase our advocacy, education, and outreach efforts in this critical time.


Act: Call on Members of Congress to support ceasefire, restraint, de-escalation of violence and protection of civilian life in Israel/Palestine. 


Pray: An Invitation from a CMEP connection: Bereaved Israelis and Palestinians invite you to join us for an online vigil. Register directly with American Friends of the Parents Circle Families Forum here. 

Pray: Read a reflection from Jamil Qassas, Speaker for Combatants for Peace on his experience this past week. Then, leave a comment with your own prayer for peace on our Prayers4Peace blog. 


CMEP has had the opportunity to amplify the voices of peace and justice throughout several different religious and secular media sources this past week. Check here to find these articles and updates. 

CMEP has released several statements since the war broke out on October 7, 2023. Read them all here and check back for more updates. 


Contact Us

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)
110 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 505
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 543-1222

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