February 16th Update Bulletin

Here’s what’s upcoming and what you may have missed at CMEP and in the news.


Image: Churches for Middle East Peace, an antiwar lobbying group, visited Jerusalem and the West Bank with members of the Friends Committee in January. (Afif Amireh for The New York Times)

As Gaza Death Toll Mounts, the Peace Lobby Fights for Influence in Washington

New York Times

"'This is not sustainable,' said the Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, executive director of Churches for Middle East Peace, the group that convened the recent meeting with Mr. Abbas. 'It’s not sustainable for Palestine, for the Israelis. Even if Gaza is rebuilt, this can’t continue, and so I think that’s a huge concern.'"


Image: Palestinians line up to collect water during the ongoing Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Rafah. (AP Photo / Hatem Ali)

In Gaza, water is life: Fresh water was scarce even before the war. Now the situation is dire.

Written by CMEP Ambassador Warren Clark Fellow Dr. Benjamin Norquist and CMEP Executive Director Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon

The Christian Century

"'This war is making me a more grateful person. I am starting to appreciate every single small thing, like when I used to drink water any time I wanted.'"


Image Credit: WAFA AGENCY


To read more about this delegation, read CMEP's January 24th Press Release. 
Click here to read.


Six Lessons from Our Wartime Journey to Israel-Palestine

Written by Bridget Moix (General Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation) and Hassan El-Tayyab (CMEP Board Representative for Friends Committee on National Legislation)

Inkstick Media

"As we landed in Tel Aviv on Thursday, Jan. 11, a small rainbow streaked across the Holy Land sky. A good omen, we hoped. A few hours later we joined the rest of our peace delegation, convened by Churches for Middle East Peace, to start a two-week journey through the region. Our trip included extensive visits with patriarchs and heads of churches, pastors and local Christians, Jewish and Muslim leaders, heads of state and other political officials, peace activists, and human rights leaders in Israel, the occupied Palestinian territory, Jordan, and Lebanon."


New ASWR Podcast Episode, out this Sunday: Reflecting on the current effects and history of colonization, guests Lisa Sharon Harper and Joyce Ajlouny emphasize how people with a shared struggle can stand together in solidarity against current injustices across the world. In particular, they discuss parallels between the occupation of Palestine and the movement for Black lives in the US. This episode was recorded on January 17, 2024. You can listen to the podcast on YouTube or Spotify.

Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage is a network of autonomous Christian groups with shared convictions who are engaging in a prayerful show of solidarity in cities around the world, where people during Lent will walk the length of the Gaza Strip. Pilgrimages are taking place throughout Lent. As Christians enter into the season of Lent, before the celebration of Easter, we are inviting anyone who wants to be involved in this prayerful, nonviolent pilgrimage that will be the length of Gaza – 41km, or 25 miles.

For more about the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages and how you can participate, see our website.


Since February 14th, a multi-faith coalition has been marching to DC from Philadelphia to bring an urgent demand for ceasefire to President Biden. At 1PM on February 21st, join a broad coalition of multi-faith organizers, including CMEP, in Lafayette Park to welcome the pilgrims as they arrive in DC for a rally and worship service amplifying demands for a permanent ceasefire, release of all hostages, and humanitarian aid for Gaza. For any questions, please contact:
or visit:   https://pilgrimageforpeace.org/ 


Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) Executive Director Joins 22 Church-Based Denominational Leaders in a Letter to President Biden

CMEP Press Release

“‘The time for a comprehensive ceasefire is now. Every day of continued violence not only increases the death toll in Gaza and the cost to civilians but also fosters further hatred toward Israel and the United States and irreparably damages the moral standing of the United States in the broader Middle East.’ Several signatories of the letter were in Washington, DC where they delivered the letter during meetings with staff at the State Department Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs and with Ambassador Rashad Hussain, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom.”


Image: Palestinians migrate to the middle parts of Gaza after attacks on Rafah intensify in Gaza on February 13, 2024. (Abed Zagout/Anadolu/Getty Images)

Israeli strikes deepen panic in Rafah as UN aid chief warns a ground offensive could result in ‘slaughter’


“Panic is soaring in Rafah as desperate Palestinians decide whether to flee the last refuge in Gaza as Israel draws up plans for a ground offensive that the United Nations aid chief has warned could lead to ‘a slaughter.’"


Image: President Biden speaks about the Senate passage of aid for Ukraine in the State Dining Room of the White House on Feb. 13, 2024.
(Jim Watson/ AFP Via Getty Images)

Biden urges House to take up Ukraine and Israel aid package: "Pass this bill immediately"

CBS News

“President Biden urged House Republicans to ‘immediately’ take up a $95 billion foreign aid bill that includes assistance to Ukraine and Israel after the Senate passed the measure early Tuesday, saying that ‘there's no question’ that it would pass if brought to the House floor.”

CMEP presents this year’s Lenten devotional series entitled “"Faithful Resilience: A Lenten Sojourn for Peace.” This devotional contains devotions written by pastors, clergy, and church leaders from across the US for every Sunday leading up to Lent, alongside each holy day of the Lenten season. You can read the series as it is released by watching our Prayers4Peace blog, or signing up to receive the devotionals in your inbox.

Read the devotional for Ash Wednesday, written by Rev. Pat Swanson, “…let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us…”. Read here.


Contact Us

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)
110 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 505
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 543-1222  info@cmep.org


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